Sorry everyone for leaving you all hanging on our trip. Once we got back to Beijing we all came down with major illness. So we didn't leave the room much and we were too tired to even write.
Our last week in China with Spencer was hard. He was having adjustment issues and we were all too sick. Once we got home things started to improve as he had to learn our rules of the house. It took him some time to adjust and bond completely but he's doing very well. Now for Reagh he likes having a brother but they seem to fight when it comes to toys he doesn't want his new brother to touch. Which is normal as poor Reagh had everything to himself and now has to share everything like it or not. So both boys are going through changes.
Once the jet lag wore was still hard for Spencer to realize that getting up for 3am everyday wasn't going to work in our house. for many weeks we didn't get much sleep due to putting him back to bed a million times. I can;t imagine how hard the changes were for him once he got here. We tried to remind ourselves with that each night he woke us up. To be honest it wasn't easy on any of us. Reagh would wake up and get upset and then we had 2 very cranky kids and parents. Many times I felt like just getting in the car and driving away for a few hours......and if it was summer I would have likely slept
The boys are getting along as brothers...loving each other one min and hating the They are settling into the new family life we have. We are now busy with appointments for each and getting each of their needs met with each appointment.